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Advances in turfgrass weed management
Matthew T. Elmore, Aaron J. Patton, Travis W. Gannon, James T. Brosnan
Herbicide-resistance in turf systems: insights and options for managing complexity
Jennifer H. Allen, David E. Ervin, George B. Frisvold, James T. Brosnan, James D. McCurdy, Rebecca G. Bowling, Aaron J. Patton, Matthew T. Elmore, Travis W. Gannon, Lambert B. McCarty, Patrick E. McCullough, John E. Kaminski, Shawn D. Askew, Alec R. Kowalewski, J. Bryan Unruh, J. Scott McElroy and Muthukumar V. Bagavathiannan
Herbicide-resistance in turf systems: insights and options for managing complexity
A bioassay to determine Poa annua responses to indaziflam
Benjamin D. Pritchard, Jose J. Vargas, Mohit Mahey, James T. Brosnan, and Eric L. Patterson
Phosphorus influences annual bluegrass competitiveness at seeding in perennial ryegrass and creeping bentgrass
Brandon C. McNally, Matthew T. Elmore, Alexander R. Kowalewski, Alyssa B. Cain
Nitrogen fertility rates affecting weed population dynamics in a perennial ryegrass stand in western Oregon
Alec Kowalewski, Alyssa Cain, Emily Braithwaite, Brian McDonald, Chas Schmid
Irrigation frequencies and reference evapotranspiration replacement affecting annual bluegrass encroachment in perennial ryegrass in western Oregon
Alyssa Cain, Emily Braithwaite, Brian McDonald, Alec Kowalewski, Matthew Elmore
Resolving issues related to target-site resistance detection in Poa annua alpha-tubulin
Claudia Ann Rutland, Eli C. Russell, Nathan D. Hall, Jinesh Patel, J. Scott McElroy
Resolving issues related to target-site resistance detection in Poa annua alpha-tubulin
Target-site and non–target site mechanisms of pronamide resistance in annual bluegrass (Poa annua) populations from Mississippi golf courses
Developing and implementing a sustainable, integrated weed management program for herbicide-resistant Poa annua in turfgrass
James D. McCurdy, Rebecca G. Bowling, Edicarlos B. Castro, Aaron J. Patton, Alec R. Kowalewski, Clint M. Mattox, James T. Brosnan, David E. Ervin, Shawn D. Askew, Clebson G. Goncalves, Matthew T. Elmore, J. Scott McElroy, Brandon C. McNally, Benjamin D. Pritchard, John E. Kaminski, Muthukumar V. Bagavathiannan
Germinability of annual bluegrass seed during spring in the Eastern United States
Devon E. Carroll, James T. Brosnan, James D. McCurdy, Edicarlos B. De Castro, Aaron J. Patton, Wenwen Liu, John E. Kaminski, Kaiyuan Tang, Patrick E. McCullough, David Westbury
Germinability of annual bluegrass seed during spring in the Eastern United States
Poa annua: An annual species?
Devon E. Carroll, Brandon J. Horvath, Michael Prorock, Robert N. Trigiano, Avat Shekoofa, Thomas C. Mueller, and James T. Brosnan
Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities for Improved Lawn Weed Management: Insights from U.S. Lawn Care Operators
David E. Ervin, Lori Mitchell Dixon, Andrew Montry, Aaron J. Patton, Becky Bowling, Matthew T. Elmore, Travis W. Gannon, John E. Kaminski, Alec R. Kowalewski, Jay D. McCurdy, J. Scott McElroy, J. Bryan Unruh, and Muthukumar V. Bagavathiannan Outlooks on Pest Management, Volume 33, Number 3 (more…)
Annual bluegrass control in bermudagrass using dimethenamid and pendimethalin
Devon E. Carroll, James T. Brosnan, and Greg K. Breeden, University of Tennessee.
Annual bluegrass control in bermudagrass using dimethenamid and pendimethalin
Non-Chemical Control of Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua) in Bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) via Fraise Mowing: Efficacy and Barriers to Adoption
Devon E. Carroll, James T. Brosnan, and Carrie A. Stephens, University of Tennessee; J. Bryan Unruh, Chase McKeithen, and Pablo A Boeri, University of Florida.
Current understanding of the Poa annua life cycle
Devon E. Carroll, James T. Brosnan, Robert N. Trigiano, Brandon J. Horvath, Avat Shekoofa, and Thomas C. Mueller, University of Tennessee
Nonchemical annual bluegrass (Poa annua) management in zoysiagrass via fraise mowing
James T. Brosnan and Greg K. Breeden, University of Tennessee; John M. Zobel, University of Minnesota; Aaron J. Patton and Quincy D. Law, Purdue University
Nonchemical annual bluegrass (Poa annua) management in zoysiagrass via fraise mowing
Differential expression of genes associated with non-target site resistance in Poa annua with target site resistance to acetolactate synthase inhibitors
Martin Laforest and Brahim Soufiane, R&D Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC, Canada; Eric L Patterson, Michigan State University; José J Vargas, Sarah L Boggess, Logan C Houston, Robert N Trigiano, and James T Brosnan, University of Tennessee.
Herbicide resistance in turfgrass: a chance to change the future?
Jim Brosnan, University of Tennessee; Michael Barrett, University of Kentucky; Prasanta Bhowmik, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Herbicide-resistant weeds in turfgrass: current status and emerging threats
-Jim Brosnan, University of Tennessee; Matt Elmore, Rutgers University; Muthu Bagavathiannan, Texas A&M University
Mississippi State University Annual Bluegrass Research Update
-Jay McCurdy, Mississippi State University
TurfTuesday: Introduction to TN Turf Tuesdays & Poa Control Wrap Up
-Jim Brosnan, University of Tennessee
PoaCure: Has annual bluegrass finally met its match?
- S. Askew
Herbicide Resistance:Integrating Social Science into Understanding and Managing Weed Resistance and Associated Environmental Impacts
D.E. Ervin, Portland State University; and R. Jussaume, Michigan State University
Community-based approaches to herbicide-resistant weed management: lessons from science and practice
D.E. Ervin, Portland State University; and G.B. Frisvold, University of Arizona
Community-based approaches to herbicide-resistant weed management: lessons from science and practice
Managing Wicked Herbicide-Resistance: Lessons from the Field
J. Schroeder, M. Barrett, D.R. Shaw, A.B. Asmus, H. Coble, D. Ervin, R.A. Jussaume, M.D.K. Owen, I. Burke, C.F. Creech, A.S. Culpepper, W.S. Curran, D.M. Dodds, T.A. Gaines, J.L. Gunsolus, B.D. Hanson, P. Jha, A.E. Klodd, A.R. Kniss, R.G. Leon, S. McDonald, D.W. Morishita, B.J. Schutte, C.L. Sprague, P.W. Stahlman, L.E. Steckel, and M.J. VanGessel
Managing Wicked Herbicide-Resistance: Lessons from the Field
Farmer Attitudes Toward Cooperative Approaches to Herbicide Resistance Management: A Common Pool Ecosystem Service Challenge
D.E. Ervin, E. Breshears, G. Frisvold, T. Hurley, K. Dentzman, J. Gunsolus, R. Jussaume, M. Owen, J. Norsworthy, M. Al Mamun, and W. Everman
Soil Type and Phosphorus Fertilization Affect Poa annua Growth and Seedhead Production
E.A. Guertal and J.S. McElroy, Auburn University
Soil Type and Phosphorus Fertilization Affect Poa annua Growth and Seedhead Production
Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals
Aaron Patton; Aaron Hathaway, Adam Thoms, Bill Kreuser, Brian Horgan, Bruce Branham, David Gardner, Deying Li, Doug Soldat, Gregg Munshaw, Jared Hoyle, Jenny Kao-Kniffin, Joseph Roberts, Lee Miller, Matthew Elmore, Nick E Christians, Paul Koch, Peter Landschoot, Roch Gaussoin, Thomas A Nikolai, Tom Voigt, Xi Xiong, Zane Raudenbush
Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.) Control and Turfgrass Response to Amicarbazone
D. Hunter Perry, Auburn University
Can Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Be Used to Control the Undesirable Grass Poa annua on Golf Courses?
-A.C. Gange, D.E. Lindsay, and L.S. Ellis, Royal Holloway University of London
Can Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Be Used to Control the Undesirable Grass Poa annua on Golf Courses?
Effect of Temperature on the Control of Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.) with Xanthomonas campestris pv. poae (JT-P482)
-S. Imaizumi, M. Honda, and T. Fujimori, Plant Protection Research Laboratory, Japan Tobacco Inc.
Annual Bluegrass
-M. LeStrange, UC Cooperative Extension; P. M. Geisel, Statewide Master Gardener Coordinator, University of California Cooperative Extension; D. W. Cudney, University of California, Riverside; C. L. Elmore, University of California, Davis; and V. A. Gibeault, University of California, Riverside
Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua) Control on Non-overseeded Bermudagrass Athletic Fields
-James T. Brosnan and Greg Breeden, University of Tennessee
Annual Bluegrass Biology and Management in Turf
-Darcy E. P. Telenko, Ramon G. Leon, and J. Bryan Unruh, University of Florida/IFAS, West Florida Research and Education Center
The Versatile Poa annua L.: Wanton Weed and/or Golf Turf?
-Lin Wu, James A. Harding, Maurizio Borgonovo and M. Ali Harivandi, University of California, Davis
The Comparative Competitive Ability of Thirteen Agrostis Stolonifera Cultivars to Poa Annua
-J.B. Beard, International Sports Turf Institute Inc.; P. Croce, M. Mocioni, and A. De Luca, Italian Golf Federation, National School of Golf, Green Section; and M. Volterrani, University of Pisa
Suppression of Annual Bluegrass or Crabgrass
-Tanner Delvalle, Peter Landschoot, and Jeff Borger, Penn State Extension
Seasonal Factors Affecting the Control of Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.) with Xanthomonas campestris pv. Poae
-S. Imaizumi, A. Tateno, D. Miyamoto, K. Morita, and T. Fujimori, Japan Tobacco Inc.
Pseudomonas fluorescens Strains Selectively Suppress Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.)
-Ann C. Kennedy, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Pullman, Washington
Pseudomonas fluorescens Strains Selectively Suppress Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.)
Preventing and Managing Herbicide-Resistant Weeds in Turfgrass
-Jay McCurdy, Mississippi State University
Plant Growth Regulators and Herbicides for Management of Poa annua: Impact of Biotypes and Behavior of Flurprimidol in Turfgrass Species
-Alexandra Perseveranda Williams, University of Kentucky
Late Pre-Emergent Control of Annual Bluegrass with Flazasulfuron and Indaziflam
-J. Reeves and J. Hoyle, Kansas State University
Integrated Biological Control of Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua)
-Phillip L. Peters and Joseph M. Vargas, Michigan State University
ID and Control of Annual Bluegrass and Rough Bluegrass in Lawns
-Zac Reicher, Aaron Patton, and Cale Bigelow, Purdue University; Tom Voight, University of Illinois
How to Manage Herbicide Resistance in Annual Bluegrass
-Matt Elmore, Casey Reynolds, and Paul Baumann, Texas A&M
Genetic Diversity of Poa annua in Western Oregon Grass Seed Crops
-L.W. Mengistu, Oregon State University; G.W. Mueller-Warrant and R.E. Barker, USDA-ARS, National Forage Seed Production Research Center
Genetic Diversity of Poa annua in Western Oregon Grass Seed Crops
Efficacy of the Bioherbicide Thaxtomin A on Smooth Crabgrass and Annual Bluegrass and Safety in Cool-Season Turfgrasses
-Joseph C. Wolfe, Joseph C. Neal, Christopher D. Harlow, Travis W. Gannon, North Carolina State University
Efficacy of Methiozolin for Controlling Annual Bluegrass in a Creeping Bentgrass Golf Course Putting Green
-Jon M. Trappe, Aaron J. Patton, and Dan Weisenberger, Purdue University
California Turfgrass Culture – Effect of Temperature Stress on Poa annua
-James B. Beard, Michigan State University
Effect of Plant Growth Regulators and Application Timing Annual Bluegrass Seedhead Suppression and Injury
-Frank S. Rossi and Mary Thurn, Cornell University
Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua) Control: So Where Do We Stand in 2014?
-Nick Christians, Iowa State University
Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua) Control: So Where Do We Stand in 2014?
Controlling Annual Bluegrass in Bentgrass Putting Greens
-James H. Baird, University of California, Riverside
Annual Bluegrass – Penn State
Biological Control of Poa annua in Fairways
-William Johnston and Charles Golob, Washington State University
Biological Control of Annual Bluegrass with Xanthomonas campestris pv. poannua in Bermudagrass
-B. Jack Johnson, University of Georgia
Biological Control of Annual Bluegrass with Xanthomonas campestris pv. poannua in Bermudagrass
Annual Bluegrass – NC State Turf Files
-Charles Peacock, Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist, North Carolina State University
Annual Bluegrass Control in Residential Turfgrass
-Patrick McCullough, Extension Weed Specialist, University of Georgia